Don't Mess With Me-I'm HTML/CSS. I Will Seriously Kick Your Ass.
I have gone and messed up my sidebar somehow, but I'm way, way too high on my meds to go about fixing it right now. Just FYI.
Besides I have to be up at 6am so I can go to Ther-a-pee.
~Note to self-Never try to look at long lines of code on Klonopin and Migraine meds. It makes the HTML/CSS all look smushed together like one big funky word.~
EDIT: I'm working on cleaning up my sidebar. We will now rejoin regular programming.
Besides I have to be up at 6am so I can go to Ther-a-pee.
~Note to self-Never try to look at long lines of code on Klonopin and Migraine meds. It makes the HTML/CSS all look smushed together like one big funky word.~
EDIT: I'm working on cleaning up my sidebar. We will now rejoin regular programming.
Labels: the geek in me
Hang in.
I wish there were words that actually helped.
Thanks. Just that you stopped by and left a comment means the world to me. It makes me feel not-so-alone. *hugs*
Without knowing what your template is set to, off the top of my head, I would say either:
1) Your side bar is set to be too big, therefore it puts itself underyour main.
Think of it like:
Total is 760, this sould include your body and sidebar I beleive.
Main is normally your biggest amnount, it is where you post, say that is set to 540, so that leaves 220 to be used for your sidebar - but if you go over that, it will set your bar on the bottom, under the main because it is too big to be together.
2) Your side bar and and main have too much padding between them.
3) your combined for sidebar and main is over what you have total set for your entire blog. Essnetially if your whole blog screen is set to say 950, and your sidebar is 250 and your main is 850, making total screen 1100it will adjust your sidebar underneath because it is too big for the full blog setting of 950.
Hopefully this is making some sort of sense...I am used to tweaking little by little (baby steps) with my settings till I get the desired results, so it is hard ot exaplin by writing about it and not just doing it.
Here is more, from your [view source]:
#main {
background:#2F2F4F url("") no-repeat left bottom;
margin:15px 20px 0px;
padding:0px 0.20px 0px;
#main2 {
background:url("") no-repeat left top;
padding:10px 0px 0;
#sidebar {
margin:20px 45px 20px;
@media handheld {
#content {
#main {
#main2 {
#sidebar {
Ok not a webpage guru but will see if I can help though.
I have a couple of blogs, and one I have is spread out to the entire page, and this is how the side and main are set [view source]:
#main {
padding:8px 0;
#sidebar {
padding:8px 0;
You might also want to check your padding...your settings could be right, but too much padding between the main and sidebar could shove it underneath also.
For the one blog of mine, I tweaked by hand, but make sure you copy your template to a text file so if you mess it up, you can copy and paste the original code back in...then just play with the side bar and main setting till it adjusts to what you are looking for.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for your help. I did manage to get my sidebar out from under my post body in IE and it looks ok. Actually, it looks better now in IE than it does in Firefox. It's more even horizontally with reference to the header, but I may just be ocd-ing over it. I tend to do that sometimes; obsess over every little detail until it drives me crazy. Now, I'm having a problem getting my background image to show up either in Firefox or IE despite the fact that the only thing I had to change was the image url because my picture hosting server, Picturetrail, switched servers so now the links to the pics I have are all different. They did send a mass email and warn everybody, but it's just irritating now that the url is different that the damn background won't show (but the header and footers are showing with the different urls). I'm damned if I know what's going on. If you have any ideas, please feel free to shoot them my way. I would very much appreciate it. Thanks again. :D
Never mind. I feel like a huge ass. It came to me like one of those "light bulb switching on moments". All I had to do to get the background to show up was to put ";repeat" after the url. Me-->clueless
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