
The Hundred Acre Wood

I feel:: anxious
What song is on a loop in my head right now:: Tori Amos:: Raining Blood

My dad is coming home from the hospital tomorrow. The doctors say that he will be laid up for 6 weeks and that there will be a physical therapist coming by our house to work with him twice a week. I figure when he gets home I won't have a moment's peace. He's such horrible sick person. I want to do things for him and I do, but it's like after awhile I start to get irritated because he asks me to do things he could easily do himself. Then, I feel bad for being angry. I think somehow that I should want to take care of him. He is my dad after all even if he is an asshole.

Tanya and I went out to Pinnacle Mountain again the other day. This time I took my camera. I took lots of great photos.

The canopy. It was like this everywhere we walked.

This butterfly allowed me to take it's picture. It sat still just long enough for me to take it. I thought that was pretty cool.

More of the canopy. It kept getting thicker the more we walked. Aren't those vines interesting? I couldn't figure out what exactly they were.

This tree was just growing out of the side of the bank of the swamp. I like all the roots going everywhere. I had to bend over the side of the bank to take this picture.

The Shire?

While we were walking, I came upon this scene. On the one hand, it sort of looks like a huge divining rod, on the other hand, it looks sort of purposely placed. Like a bridge for tiny people.

Cypress knees. They look to me like tree spirits.

More Cypress knees, but they look like people frozen in motion to me.

I asked Tanya to go and stand by one of these trees so that I could get a scale of just how huge it was in the picture. She's being silly doing the rocknroll sign.

I really like this tree. It reminds me of Pooh's house. It even has a little walkway up to it. I kept expecting to see a him walk out of it.

I was thinking this looked like a fairy bed, but fairies wouldn't sleep in a spider web would they? It's too sticky. I like it anyway.

This huge log looks like it was carved. It looks like an alligator to me. It has a tail on the bottom left of the picture and the mouth is on the right. It was kind of weird to find it just sitting there in the middle of the woods.

Fairy pods?

Tanya took this picture as we were driving over the I-430 bridge from N. Little Rock to Little Rock. You can see Pinnacle Mountain in the background. It's the one with the flat top and the sun is hanging just over it. I think I scared her. As I was driving, I happened to look over and see the sunset and I was all, "Oh shit! Where's my camera?"

I was supposed to go see Star Wars tonight with Tanya, but she decided to stay home and rent movies and hang out with her mom. I'm having a sweet craving really badly right now. That's bad. Ryk isn't helping me any either. He said he wants to meet me at the Krispy Kreme. Those are so good that they make me feel sinful just eating them.


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